Digital Educational Platform e-me (https://e-me.edu.gr) is a modern, collaborative, social and extendable digital platform for pupils and teachers, designed to support formal, non-formal and informal learning experiences. It provides the K-12 community with a safe digital workspace and collaborative environment and is offered by the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs (MoE) as an asynchronous learning platform for Greek schools.
e-me is a Personal Learning Environment (PLE) which allows users to:
It is available in three editions/installations, official e-me (e-me.edu.gr | login with GSN account), e-me for all (4all.e-me.edu.gr), and multilingual European e-me (e-me4all.eu).
Customize your profile
Manage your contacts (search, add etc.)
Create collaboration spaces (Hives). Communicate in Hives through wall posts and comments
Create and assign tasks to Hive members
Create personal blogs and Hive blogs
Create interactive learning objects and interactive educational resources
Cloud storage for your personal files
Host reference material of the hive and make it available to its members
Create and manage digital lessons
Create and manage forums
Organize and disseminate students' and teachers' achievements
Create your personal repository of learning objects
Make calls, video calls and send real-time personal messages to your contacts.
Create your personal collection of bookmarks for favourite websites
Create your personal notebook and share notes with your contacts and hives
Create diagrams
Create learning designs with sequences of learning activities
Digital whiteboard for real-time collaboration
Create and manage questionnaires and surveys
Create mind maps
Greek Illustrated Science Dictionary for School
e-books: Greek Interactive Textbooks
Greek National Learning Object Repository
Greek National Learning Scenarios Repository
Create and share your calendar(s) for work planning and scheduling
Receive notifications in real-time from Hives, users and apps
Install apps to extend e-me's functionality
Install interactive educational apps
The main, official edition of e-me Digital Educational Platform, which is directed to all students and teachers and - compared to the other editions - has the most recent and complete functionality of e-me.
ONLY users with a Greek School Network (GSN) account can access the official edition of e-me, assuring this way that all the users are certified.
In the official edition of e-me we also provide user support as well as other services that have been referred previously.
By using the official edition of e-me you find yourself in a safe environment where you can cooperate with other certified users from the educational community.
"e-me for all" is directed to everyone who wishes to use the e-me Digital Educational Platform but doesn't have or wants to use a Greek School Network (GSN) account.
It is free and open to everyone: students, teachers, researchers, educators, public and private sector personnel, and others. Access to the platform is given through user registration. "e-me for all" has the same functionality as the official e-me, but it doesn't provide the same level of security as its users are not certified. Moreover, it doesn't provide equivalent services and user support, like the ones offered by the official edition of e-me.
The current installation of e-me (e-me4all.eu) is the European edition of "e-me for all".
European edition of "e-me" is open and free to anyone interested in Europe, schools, teachers, pupils, parents, academics, institutions, etc.
It was customized in the context of the PAFSE project (PArtnerships For Science Education).
The European edition of "e-me" expands use of Digital Educational Platform e-me in Europe.
Both e-me editions provide the user with the same functionalities. Their only difference is on the users who can access each e-me environment. Official e-me lays emphasis on its safe environment, where only certified users of the Greek School Network (GSN) can have access. "e-me for all" lays emphasis on its 'openness' and thus gives access via simple registration to any user, who may or may not belong to the educational community.
Your activity in "e-me for all" cannot be transferred in official e-me, as there is no connection between your two accounts in the different e-me editions. You will have to create again any contacts, hives etc.
e-me addresses all students and all teachers (permanent, adjunct teachers on temporary contracts) of Primary and Secondary Education.
For accessing official e-me the user needs a Greek School Network (GSN) account. For accessing "e-me for all" any user, even out of the educational community, can register.
You can login to e-me with your Greek School Network (GSN) account.
Regarding "e-me for all" you just need to register to get an account.
To get help on how to register for a certified student account please visit this URL: https://register.sch.gr/students/ (available in Greek only).
For more information about the Students account service in the Greek School Network (GSN) please visit: https://register.sch.gr/students/help/ (available in Greek only).
Every teacher of Primary or Secondary education in Greece has the right to get an account. To get help on how to register for a certified teacher account please visit this URL: https://register.sch.gr/teachers/register/ (available in Greek only).
In the official e-me ( e- me.edu.gr ):
In the official version of e-me you are logged in with your account’s credentials in the Greek School Network (GSN). In order to retreive your password or username, or for any other issue related to the login details, you should contact the User Support Service of the Greek School Network at https://register.sch.gr/password/reset_password/. If you are a student, you can also contact your principal or the IT manager of the school you belong to.
In the "e-me for all" (4all.e-me.edu.gr):
In the "e-me for all" version you are logged in with the account details you created yourself in e-me . To retreive your password, you must send a message to support@e-me.edu.gr in order to receive an automated message with a new password. Your message should be sent from the email you used during your registration.
In order to delete your account you have to send a request to support@e-me.edu.gr. You should use your email account provided by the Greek School Network, if you want to delete an official e-me account or the email you used during registration, if you want to delete an "e-me for all" account.
At https://dschool.edu.gr/trainingmaterial/ you can find a collection of training material on the use of e-me. This training material includes step-by-step guides, explanatory videos, user manuals, useful links, etc.
The user manual is also available at: https://e-me.edu.gr/s/eme/main/e-me_user_guide.html.
When logged in, you can find help through the or the
icons .
e-me provides users with support service (Help Desk). You can email your questions at support@e-me.edu.gr or if needed, you can call at 210 3350748 (Monday-Friday, 10:00 - 15:00).
If you face any problem while using e-me, you can report it at the Comment/ Support application form, which can be found at the bottom of all e-me pages. Otherwise, you can report the problem by sending an email to support@e-me.edu.gr
Any suggestions for adding new features and/ or functionalities to e-me are welcome. At https://openspecs.e-me.edu.gr/ you can find the open call for ideas and suggestions to expand and improve e-me. Alternatively you can email your suggestion at support@e-me.edu.gr
A hive is the main co-working environment of students and teachers. It has members, a main channel of communication among its members ("Wall"), a working space, apps and an admin.
A hive is created by/ addresses a "team" of e-me members who cooperate around a certain topic. Such "teams" could be:
- A class (e.g. B2 class)
- A class for a specific course (e.g. B2 Physics class)
- A club of particular interest (e.g. Photography club)
- A group of students of the same or different classes who cooperate on a project
- A group of students on a neighborhood who cooperate on a local activity (e.g. Recycling in the neighborhood)
- An entire school grade (e.g. Third grade of Middle School consisting of many classes)
- A cooperative project between two schools
To become hive member do the following:
- Look for a public hive and send a participation request to its admin (as long as this hive's settings permit it). As soon as admin approves your request, you become a member.
- Accept the invitation request a hive admin sends you.
To leave a hive, go to public hives list, select "Edit" and then "Leave".
Select "Members" and then "Members Invitation" (tab) and invite:
- A contact of yours
- Any e-me user by entering at least 3 characters. The search is performed in the fields username, first name and last name
- Members of other hives for which you're admin. To do so, select "hive's Members" (tab) to see the list of hives. Then, choose a hive and select members.
Yes, students can create hives and become hive admins. To proceed with the creation of a hive you must first read and accept Terms and Conditions of the e-me platform.
For your classmates to become hive members, they will have to accept your invitation.
Yes, you can, as long as they have an e-me account. Additionally, you need to know their usernames in e-me to invite them.
No. This service is not available for now.
However, you can adjust your own, already used member lists (e.g. students of a class) to send invitations for the hives you create.
For example, once you create a hive for a class, you need to send invitation to every student separately so that they become hive members. In every other hive you create, you can insert the member list from the hive mentioned above or any other hive you have created, adjust this member list by adding or deleting members and then send invitations.
Yes, you can choose to create a private hive.
hive assistants support hive admins in managing wall posts (and blog posts). hive admins can set as many members as they choose to be assistants. To become assistant hive member has to accept the request.
You can report an insulting hive wall post or comment. The report goes to hive admin and assistants, who are in charge to deal with it. Once a post or comment is reported three times, it gets immediately withdrawn from hive wall and remains visible only to admin and assistants.
In every hive there is a folder "{hive name}_shared", which is accessible by all hive members who can edit and delete it. In this folder you can upload the file you want to share with other hive members. Keep, though, in mind that other hive members can edit or even delete the file you uploaded. Tip: When sharing file, which you don't want to lose, you'd better keep copy of it in your personal e-me file storage.
In your profile page you can choose your profile photo, type your 'moto' and a short description about you. Also, if you go to "Settings", you can choose e-me main theme, background image, fonts.
Yes, you can. Choose "Edit" and rearrange apps' order. Also, you can create a new apps folder by dragging one app on top of the other and by renaming the new folder. Later on you can add more apps in this folder or withdraw apps from the folder. If a folder gets empty it is immediately deleted.
To add an e-me member to your contacts go to their public profile page (see next question) and send an "Add Request" (the member will have to accept it).
To be able to see an e-me member's public profile go to "Contacts". There you can either see the public profile of one of your contacts, or you can click the search button and find the profile by inserting at least 3 characters. The search is performed in the fields username, first name and last name. You can, also, see the public profile of e-me members that participate in hives you also participate.
You can send (receive) text messages or perform sound and video calls with members who belong to your contacts. To send a message go to messages menu on the top of the home page and select "Create New". Then, insert the username of one or more of your contacts, write your message and click "Send".
To make voice or video calls you need to go to the "Contacts" application or the "All your messages" page by following the link from the Messages menu at the top of your homepage. You can tap the corresponding icon ( or
) you will find next to the name of the member you wish to contact.
Yes, you can. Go to "Contacts" and select "Block" for the contact you wish to block so that they stop calling you or sending you messages. Any time you choose, you can unblock this contact by selecting "Blocked Members" and clicking on "Unblock".
When a hive blog is created, it’s name is given automatically by hive (hive’s blog name = hive’s name). hive’s blog URL is created by the hive’s URL slug with the prefix "hive-" added. For example, hive’s blog URL for hive with URL slug "test" will be: https://blogs.e-me.edu.gr/hive-test.
According to e-me security specifications only hive’s name (and not hive’s URL slug) is allowed to be changed. Subsequently only hive’s blog name (and not hive’s blog URL) is allowed to be changed.
You can activate one of the four add-ons offered by the application (Font Awesome, WP QuickLaTeX, WP Statistics and WordPress Importer). If you would like to activate another one, feel free to contact us either by emailing support@e-me.edu.gr or by using the Comment / Support form at the bottom of any e-me page.
Yes, you can import a copy of any blog either to your personal blog or to any of hive blogs for which you’re admin. First you need to enable the "WordPress Importer" plugin from the "Add-ons" page. While in the e-me blogs Control Panel (the blog you want to make the import to) select "Tools" and then "Import". Then select "Run Importer". Select and open the desired WXR file. Assign the imported posts to an existing blog user.
Yes, by using the "Files" app you can have your own storage of personal files. Your files are stored in a cloud-based environment. You can keep them synced in your local devices (desktop, laptop, smartphone, tablet) and also share them with other e-me members.
Each teacher or student can use an up to 2 GB storage space. This storage capacity includes the hive files created by each e-me member.
You can use the sync file apps. You can easily access the corresponding setup files through "Files" app (“INSTALLATION OF SYNC FILE APPS” option at the bottom left side of your screen).
To create your digital class in the official e-me ( e-me .edu.gr ) follow these steps:
Preparation (done once)
Students must have or obtain a student account through the Panhellenic School Network (PSD), which is the department responsible for issuing student accounts. To obtain the PSD account students must apply by visiting the page https://register.sch.gr/students/ and following the instructions given there.
Students should then visit the official e-me at e-me.edu.gr and connect, using the credentials (username / password) of the PSD student account. This step is necessary, to automatically create their platform account e-me , so that they can be located later.
The Principal of your school will send you the list of usernames of the students in your class, so that, after finding them in the e-me , send them an invitation to join your digital class.
Note: According to no. 39676 / Δ2 / 20-03-2020 document entitled "INSTRUCTIONS FOR ASYNCHRONOUS DISTANCE EDUCATION" (Step 7), the school principal is asked to find the names (usernames) of the students of each class, through the PSD, and send them to the teachers of that class.
To create your "digital class" in e-me:
In e-me each "digital class" will be a "hive". If you teach more than one class, you will need to create more hives .
Follow the steps below to create the hive and "register" your students as members of .
STEP 1: Create a new private hive by selecting New and then Private hive
.STEP 2: Select "Invite Members" and then "Search" through the Members application of the hive
.STEP 3: Fill in (by copying / pasting) the student's username from the list you received from the school Principal to locate him / her. After appearing in the search results, select him / her and send an invitation to participate.
When the student connects to the e-me , he will find an invitation to participate in the specific hive and, after accepting it, will become a member.
Repeat STEP 3 for all students in your class.
ATTENTION: To show up in the search your students must be logged in to e-me at least once before you can send them invitations to join your digital class.
ALTERNATIVE METHOD (not recommended at this stage):
After STEP 1 send the web address to the students in your class of the hive (e.g. https://e-me.edu.gr/groups/taxiAMelissia), so that the students themselves can request their participation in the digital classroom - hive by submitting a request and then accept the requests you will receive.
Note: For this option to be enabled, you must enable the "Allow applications" option in the hive settings .
The URL slug is the name of the hive on the Internet.
This name will be the last part of the web address of the hive , that is the hive url (after the last/).
For this reason it should be a word with Latin characters (from 5 to 65) and consist only of letters and / or numbers, while the hyphen (-) is also allowed. For example Biology-Β2-Melissia-2020.
Also, because each hive should have a different web address, the URL slug should be unique, that is there should be no other hive in e-me with the same URL slug.
For example, if you specify "biology-Β2-Melissia-2020" , the link for that hive will be https://e-me.edu.gr/groups/Biology-Β2-Melissia-2020.
The URL slug will not be able to change after the creation of the hive , because it identifies it uniquely in the world of e-me .
No, it is not recommended that two or more teachers share the same account.
Each teacher enters the official e-me as "certified " (identified) user and this identification is done through the authentication process of the Panhellenic School Network (PSD).
In e-me every teacher, as well as every student, should have his personal account , as long as it is his digital identity in the digital educational / school world. However, the e-me is a highly collaborative environment and provides many opportunities for collaboration between teachers and students.
See in question 1.4 how two or more teachers can partcipate in the same digital class ( hive ).
Yes. In e-me more teachers can participate in the same hive (digital classroom) . How? The digital classroom is created by a teacher who is the head of the digital classroom ( hive ) and invites other teachers to participate as members .
This form of collaboration fits in well in cases where the head classroom teacher invites other colleagues to teach in his classroom.
You can also manage the same hive (digital classroom) with one or two of your colleagues. How; The teacher who created the hive (responsible for the hive ), appoints one or two teachers as "assistants" , thus giving them co-management rights of the same hive .
No, there is no limit. Both teachers and students can create as many hives as they want to meet their needs.
There is a restriction though concerning the total file space provided to each user to e-me , which is set to 2GB . The files he has in his / her personal file space and the files he / she "uploads" into his / her hives are counted.
The official e-me (e-me.edu.gr) can be used by all those who have an account in the Panhellenic School Network (PSD) , whether they are in Greece or abroad.
If you and your students have a PSD account or are eligible to receive a PSD account (now or in the future), you can also use the official e-me (e-me.edu.gr).
For issues of obtaining a PSD account you can contact the User Support Service of the Panhellenic School Network which has the relevant responsibility, either through the website https://helpdesk.sch.gr/, either via the email address info@sch.gr , or by phone 801.11.801.81 .
If you or your students do not have the right to receive a Panhellenic School Network account, you can use the " e-me version span> for all"( 4all.e-me.edu.gr ).
Note that, if available, the use of the official e-me is suggested instead of " e-me for all", because among other things, it is a more safe environment for students, since all members of the formal e-me are certified (identified) users .
In addition to that, as mentioned on the homepage of " e-me for all ", "due to the use of the official version of e-me ( e-me.edu.gr ) for the needs of distance asynchronous education in Primary and Secondary education, in the next period priority will be given to the support of users (teachers & students) of the official e-me . Therefore, version "e-me for all", (4all.e-me.edu.gr) will offer limited user support"
On the Wall of a hive you can:
- b> post image files or other files of any type (pdf, word, excel, power point, OpenOffice, zip, rar, etc.) up to 4MB in size. Specifically, the types of files you can post include: .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .pdf, .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pot, .pps, .ppa, .pptx, .zip, .rar, .7z, .xls, .xlt, .xla, .xlsx, .txt, .odt, .ods, .odp, .sb, .sb2, .sb3.
Note that files can also be uploaded via "drag n drop". Just drag the file into the context of a post or comment. Also, uploaded .pdf files open directly in a new browser tab.
- post interactive learning objects you have created with the " e-me content" application .
- share links in files that you have saved in the Files application, or to your personal folder or in a shared hive folder.
- post video links ( links e.g. on youtube)
You have the following options:
OPTION 1: Upload the file to assignments through "e-me assignments" application.
How: Open the application " e-me assignments" from the home page of e-me .
- Select "New Assignment" to create a new assignment or open an existing one from the "Assignment Library".
- Select " Add Multimedia "
- Next, download the file you want by selecting it from your device disk or dragging it to the space there. Upload time varies depending on file size and network speed.
Through the application " e-me assignments " you can share documents (pdf, word, etc.), spreadsheets, presentations, images, audio files, videos etc.
- When the file is uploaded you will see it in the "Media Library" . Fill in if you want a caption or a description for easier locating.
Note: The files you have posted in the application's Media Library " e-me assignments " will be available for import into all assignments you create.
- Finally, select "Introduction to Work ". The workspace displays a link to the file you posted.
- Save the work. You can then assign the task to your students.
OPTION 2: Post the file to a shared folder of hive through the application hive's Files.
Use the hive’s Files and upload your file to the shared folder called HIVE_hive_URL_slug_shared. This way all your students will be able to see this file.
OPTION 3: Post the file to any folder in the app Files and share the link in the Wall of hive .
Use the Files application (either the User Files from the home page of e-me or the Files of a hive ) to upload your file to a folder.
Next, from the sharing options , select "link sharing ". A link will appear which leads to the specific file which you can share (by copying / pasting) on the Wall of hive .
OPTION 4: For a specific file type, there are the following options:
- If it is an image file , you can hang the image file directly into the wall of the hive , by selecting the corresponding icon from the Wall Tools.
- insert the link to this video by selecting the corresponding icon , so that the video appears inside the Wall.
- If this is an interactive learning object you have created with the " e-me content " application , you can hang it directly inside the wall of the hive , by selecting the corresponding icon.
Every teacher or student in e-me has available:
- files , either in his / her personal file space or in the files inside his / her hives ,
- additional 500MB for content in the application e-portfolio,
- additional space in the application e-me content for the interactive exercises and the digital educational content it creates ( no limit has been set yet).
Yes. To embed an object you created with the " e-me content " application into an assignment description in " e application -me assignments " follow these steps:
STEP 1: Open your item in e-me content application. On the right you will see the adjacent box titled "Embed Object".
STEP 2: Select "Copy " to copy the code that is in the box titled "On web pages and blog posts (blogs) or in the repository "User Photodentro Material"".
STEP 3: Go to the " e-me assignments " application and open the assignmnent in which you want to embed the object " e-me content ".
STEP 4: From the assignment description menu select "Insert " and then " Multimedia ".
STEP 5: Select the "Embedded " tab. In the box that appears, paste (with CTRL V) the embed code of the object that you copied before and select "OK ". The item has been incorporated into your assignment description.
Yes. To resize an image in an assignment, follow these steps:
STEP 1: Select the image whose image you want to resize. At the bottom of the image is a box with tools for editing it.
STEP 2: Select the "pencil" from the editing tools. In the box that appears (see image below) you can adjust -among other things- the display size of the image within the specific assignment.
STEP 3: In the setting labeled "Size" select the desired dimension. For example, select:
- thumbnail if you want the image to appear as a 150x150 thumbnail
- "full size "if you want the image to appear in its true size, or
- custom size if you want the image to appear in another specific dimension. Especially in this case, set the desired Width and Height of the image in pixels.
STEP 4: Select the located in the lower right corner of the frame.
The e-me provides a safe environment for students and teachers through the following procedures:
- hives that represent digital classrooms in which students participate, are suggested to be created by teachers as "private " , thus ensuring that only students invited by the teacher will participate in the specific hive (similar with a normal class, with the door closed).
- The educator and creator of the hive is the "Responsible " of the hive and has (along with two helpers) all the rights and power to control the content its members post on the wall or in shared files, to delete comments or shared hive files, to remove or add members to the hive etc. (respectively with the teacher in a regular classroom).
- To join as an e-me member a student's "contacts " , the student should "accept ".
Generally, through the e-me , teachers have the opportunity to discuss with their students, as part of the learning process - children learn how to manage their "digital selves ", so that they approach issues of good behavior on social networks and get acquainted in practice in a safe and controlled environment.
- The only information a member of e-me can see about another member who is not in their contacts, is the name and profile picture.
Although, as mentioned, all members of e-me are certified users, we recommend students not post their photo as a profile picture, but either choose one of the available avatars, or post their own picture that does not depict a face.
- The other elements of a member's profile, for example the electronic portfolio and the hives participating or following, are not visible by default to other members of the e-me . It is up to the members to decide whether to make them visible.
No. E-me is not a platform of the Panhellenic School Network (PSD). Specifically:
The e-me has not been funded by PSD. It was designed and developed from the beginning within the project "Digital School " (dschool.edu.gr) by the Directorate of Strategy and Digital Educational Material (DIS) of ITYE DIOFANTOS. (this is the Management that has developed and operates the Photodentro Repositories, the main PHOTODENTRO portal, as well as the Interactive School Books (e-books)). Specifically, the development of e-me started in 2014 with funding from the project "Digital School I " (NSRF 2007-2013) and its first version 1.0 was launched in operation on 12/2015. It was expanded and developed in the framework of the project "Digital School II " (NSRF 2014-2020) and version 2.0 was announced on 9/2019. Its maintenance and operation is implemented by the same Directorate (DIS) and is financed by the Ministry of Education.
E-me is not installed in the computer infrastructure of the Panhellenic School Network (PSD). From its inception until today, e-me is entirely in the computing infrastructure of EDYTE (National Network of Technology and Research Infrastructures, former GRNET).
The Panhellenic School Network (PSD) is the service responsible for the central support of certification (identification) of teachers and students (SSO) as well as for the provision of personal accounts (PSD accounts) to teachers and students. The PSD account is used in various services of the Ministry of Education and Science, which require the assurance that only identified student / teacher users enter.
The official e-me of the Digital School has been connected to the certification (identification) service of teachers and students (SSO) of the PSD, to ensure that everyone entering the e-me are authenticated user (students or teachers). Therefore, the entrance to the official e-me of the Digital School is done with PSD accounts (via Single Sign On -SSO).
Please note that the free version of e-me "e-me for all (4all) " has also been developed by the ITYE Board, but has not been connected to the PSO teacher and student certification service (SSO). Thus, the entrance to the "e-me for all" is done by simply registering on the platform itself.
Yes, e-me is an open and scalable platform to which applications that are being developed can be added either from the team of e-me or from third parties (teachers, institutions / companies, academic community, etc.).The addition of applications (apps) will continuously expand the functionality of e-me .
It is in the plans of the platform development team at ITYE to include many more applications in e-me , which are either already available and will be adapted accordingly (e.g. open html5 applications), or will be developed (e.g. applications created by the educational or academic community or by agencies through various processes).
On the page https://openspecs.e-me.edu.gr/ there is Open Invitation to teachers and students for suggestions for new e-me apps.
No. hives in e-me are not deleted or disabled on start or end of each school year.
Also, any content you have created and saved in the e-me (hive's wall hangings files , items in e-me content, assignments in e-me assignments, articles in e-me blogs) remains available forever, until you decide to delete it.
Concerning the utilization of the same hive or the creation of a new one for the new school year, it is at your own discretion whether you will continue to use the same hive or if you want to create a new one, as well as if you delete the old hive or you will keep it.
If you have the same students, you might be able to use the same hive by changing its name, possibly its description, by organizing the hive files differently (for example, in folders / subfolders per school year) and adding and removing members as needed, e.g. students who changed school unit or department.
The suggestion of e-me of course is to create a new hive for your "class" every new school year, even if you have the same students, keeping the old hive at the same time (perhaps cleaning the files and hardware you no longer need). The members of the hive can easily be called in bulk from the old hive .
Creating a new hive per school year:
- start with "clean" (empty) wall, without last year's posts and discussions,
- only have the new assignments concerning the specific school year and the specific students,
- facilitates the organization of the files of the hive , since they relate only to the specific class / year,
- ensure that the new students in the class who were not members of the hive the previous year will not have access in the archives and discussions of the previous year's students.
Keeping the old hive at the same time allows students (even those who have changed school / class) to continue to have access in it, in discussions, in tasks and in material. The material of the old hive can be deleted if it is no longer needed or transferred to the new hive .
In general, from year to year, it would be good to clear the space with your files and delete what you do not need. You can keep and view important files and projects of the year in your e-portfolio.
e-me has been upgraded to version 3.3!
The new version 3.3 of e-me has been enriched with new apps and extensions that significantly expand the capabilities of the platform.
Specifically, the following new apps have been developed and added to e-me:
Moreover, several new features have been integrated into e-me:
We hope the new apps and extensions on e-me will greatly benefit you and we look forward to your suggestions for further improvements!
e-me has been upgraded to version 3.2!
The new version 3.2 of e-me incorporates a new hive app, as well as improvements and extensions to the functionality of the platform!
1. A new app, "e-me Library", has been developed and added to e-me.
"e-me Library" is a hive app for storing and organizing reference material (e.g. books, study guides, course documents, multimedia reference materials, etc.) and making it available (read-only) to its members. The Hive Admin and Helpers are the ones eligible to post, edit, delete and organize the material.
2. The hive wall now supports:
3. The "e-me assignment app" now supports:
4. The "e-me content app" now supports:
5. The landing and infographic pages currently offer improved presentation of information.
We hope that these improvements and additions will facilitate your educational work, and we look forward to receiving your comments and insights for future versions of e-me!
e-me Lessons: app for creating and managing digital lessons, structured into sections of educational content
e-me appository: a repository of interactive educational apps available for installation on e-me
e-me Forums: app for creating and managing discussion spaces (forums) within e-me hives
e-me LAMS: app for creating lesson plans with sequences of learning activities
Favorite hives (with a "heart")
Copy (clone) hives
Arrange posts on hive wall (with "up" and "down" arrows)
Categorize contacts in students and teachers (filtering)
Select multiple contacts for deletion
Technical maintenance work on the system, database and apps
Updates of platform technologies, libraries, and add-ons
Resolved issues reported by users and bug fixes detected during testing
e-me Library: app for storing and organizing reference material of the hive and making it available to its members
"Likes" ("heart") on posts and comments
Post sharing (reposting) on the wall of different hives (copy-paste posts)
Drafts of posts and comments temporarily saved on hive wall
Limit of pinned posts on hive wall
Hiding assignment description until submission period starts
New types of interactive learning resources
Improved presentation of information on the landing page
New nodes of information on the infographic including "Presentations" and "Publications"
Technical maintenance work on the system, database and apps
Updates regarding the platform's core components and technologies, as well as the libraries and plugins used by e-me apps
Resolved issues reported by users and bug fixes detected during testing
Dr Elina Megalou
Director of the "Educational Technologies, Training & Certification" Directorate
e-me General Manager
E-mail: megalou@cti.gr
Dimitris Giakoumakis
e-me Technical Manager
E-mail: dgiakoum@cti.gr
Computer Technology Institute and Press "Diophantus" (CTI)
Directorate of Educational Technologies, Training & Certification
26-28 Mitropoleos Str., GR-10563, Athens, Greece
Should you face any difficulty with login in e-me or with your account (username- password) in the Greek School Network (GSN), please contact GSN user support service at https://www.sch.gr/helpdesk/ helpdesk / or address GSN user support local services as listed on this page.
For any question or problem regarding e-me, please contact e-me Help Desk as follows: